Trucker ,I 've just realised what you said.
I certainly would'nt have said that,but wow,thanks-and your smile is terrific!
Does Simon do 'Eternally Grateful' Smilies??!!
just a post to thank mike and christina for a such a brilliant day;the food, the welcome and the constant hospitality was so kind, i had a great time meeting you all,even though i'd been so nervous.
so many people made such a huge effort to be there,and you were all lovely.
it really made my day to have you all around me; i feel so protective of you all now!
Trucker ,I 've just realised what you said.
I certainly would'nt have said that,but wow,thanks-and your smile is terrific!
Does Simon do 'Eternally Grateful' Smilies??!!
just a post to thank mike and christina for a such a brilliant day;the food, the welcome and the constant hospitality was so kind, i had a great time meeting you all,even though i'd been so nervous.
so many people made such a huge effort to be there,and you were all lovely.
it really made my day to have you all around me; i feel so protective of you all now!
Matty, you can contact me [email protected] if you want to.
just a post to thank mike and christina for a such a brilliant day;the food, the welcome and the constant hospitality was so kind, i had a great time meeting you all,even though i'd been so nervous.
so many people made such a huge effort to be there,and you were all lovely.
it really made my day to have you all around me; i feel so protective of you all now!
Hi Matty!
I can't believe what you're going through at the moment-what guts you have to have come all that way-you were so great to talk to;shame you're so far away-I('d like to be able to email you)...Keep smiling X
just a post to thank mike and christina for a such a brilliant day;the food, the welcome and the constant hospitality was so kind, i had a great time meeting you all,even though i'd been so nervous.
so many people made such a huge effort to be there,and you were all lovely.
it really made my day to have you all around me; i feel so protective of you all now!
...said the tall ,dark, handsome man!
Great to meet you too; you've made my day now!
just a post to thank mike and christina for a such a brilliant day;the food, the welcome and the constant hospitality was so kind, i had a great time meeting you all,even though i'd been so nervous.
so many people made such a huge effort to be there,and you were all lovely.
it really made my day to have you all around me; i feel so protective of you all now!
Hear ,hear Ballistic! You're a great bloke!!!
just a post to thank mike and christina for a such a brilliant day;the food, the welcome and the constant hospitality was so kind, i had a great time meeting you all,even though i'd been so nervous.
so many people made such a huge effort to be there,and you were all lovely.
it really made my day to have you all around me; i feel so protective of you all now!
Just a post to thank Mike and Christina for a such a brilliant day;the food, the welcome and the constant hospitality was SO kind, I had a great time meeting you all,even though i'd been so nervous.
So many people made such a huge effort to be there,and you were all LOVELY.
It really made my day to have you all around me; I feel so protective of you all now!
In fact I had such a great time I want to see the pics ;so I'll let Simon post the ones with me in them(cringe)
Thanks again Eman and Christina, Ballistic, Sleepy and your adorable wife; Matty, Trucker, Invisible;ISP and the lovely Latte with their georgeous children, Little Toe(do you ever stop smiling?!) Meat Pie, J2L and Jtobe Free (fabuolus accents and so insightful) Belmont and hubby;and of course Simon (modest and my hero )and Angharrad(beautiful !) and the boys who are so sweet.
I hope I did'nt leave anyone out or put anyone in that I should'nt have..
Here's to you all (I'm drinking now instead of then as I was driving!)
Take care and hope to see you all again soon
Termite XXX
Edited by - termite 35 on 22 July 2002 18:34:8
englishmans barbie is tomorrow.
hands up if you're coming.
oh, i forgot - i just spoke to englishman and some of you are allready there!
Edited by - termite 35 on 20 July 2002 20:49:36
englishmans barbie is tomorrow.
hands up if you're coming.
oh, i forgot - i just spoke to englishman and some of you are allready there!
Hi Eman and everyone;
i'll be there; hopefully;depending on my multimap printout-I have absolutely NO sense of direction and will probably tour WSM many times before my petrol runs out and I spend the evening in the car drinking your bbq donation.
Fingers crossed then!
when i was in the sixth grade in roswell n.m. i met this girl whos father had recently father had also passed away recently.we were both very shy and haveing the lose of our fathers in common we stuck together that year.we never did anything outside of school however, not sure why,she never invited me over and now i think it was because of her horrible home life.but we ate lunch together everyday and chated in a class we shared.i never saw her again until..... when i was in my 20's my cousins wife told me that my friend demetria guynes was....... drum roll..plz.
demi moore.
please share simular stories.
We go to the same pub as Paddy Pantsdown; I mean Paddy ASHDOWN -and a very nice bloke he is too !
i'm new to this site, found it whilst looking at panarama web site.
are there many here from uk, even lancashire?
if so, please let me know as it would be nice to speak to some ex-witnesses in uk.
Hello Michelle; Glad you found us!
I'm no where near you though;i'm 'down south' in South Somerset.
Hi there Anglise; I'm in the south ,you're welcome to pop in if you're passing by!!